If you are looking to address your alcohol use, we recommend seeking professional support before you start to cut down.

Alcohol dependence is when your body requires alcohol to function normally. Not everyone who misuses alcohol is dependent but reducing the amount you drink without professional support can be dangerous. If you experience any of the following we recommend speaking to your GP:

  • seizures (fits)
  • hand tremors (‘the shakes’)
  • sweating
  • seeing things that are not actually real (visual hallucinations)
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • difficulty sleeping (insomnia)

Regardless of your alcohol intake we still recommend you speak with a local service or your GP to discuss your options for achieving your goals.

I would like to attend a women’s support group

Women’s support groups and programmes aim to offer a safe, warm and welcoming enviornment for women to avail of supports through the use of sharing, workshops, training and education referrals and advice and hollistic treatments with emotional and social supports.

All services vary in terms of the women’s supports they offer.

We recommend you contact each service directly for more information. They will be able to guide you in the right direction.

Find a service near you

Please find a list of services that may provide women’s support groups.

All services vary in the supports that they offer, so we recommend you contact them directly to find out more information

Find a service near you…

The services listed on this site are based in Dublin mainly within, or adjacent to, the following Drug and Alcohol Task Force Areas: Dublin 12, The South Inner City, Ballyfermot and The Canal Communities (Rialto, Inchicore and Bluebell).

If you are looking for information on supports outside of these areas we recommend you get in contact with the HSE Drug and Alcohol Helpline.

Please note that further information is available for some services by clicking “+”

HSE Drug & Alcohol Helpline

The HSE Drugs & Alcohol Helpline provides support, information, guidance and referral to anyone with a question or concern related to drug and alcohol use and/or HIV and sexual health.

Referral Process: If you require additional information on how to access these services – contact the HSE Drug & Alcohol Helpline 9:30-5:30 Monday-Friday or email.

Contact Details: 1800 459 459 / helpline@hse.ie / www2.hse.ie/alcohol

Ballyfermot Advance

The Ballyfermot Advance Project aims to provide support to those with Drug and Alcohol addiction problems and their families. We are a community based project helping people who are Drug and Alcohol users and those affected by Drug and Alcohol use

Referral Process: To make a referral please contact the service by phone, alternatively, send an email with your name, contact details, a brief introduction and a call request and a member of the team will be in touch.

Location: 3b Le Fanu House, Le Fanu Rd, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10, D10XF29

Contact Details: 01 623 8001 / info@ballyfermotadvance.ie


Canal Communities Regional Addiction Service (CCRAS)

Canal Communities Regional Addiction Service (CCRAS) provides support to individuals, families, communities, drug and alcohol services and the Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force in the areas of poly-drug and alcohol use, harm reduction & health promotion, education & prevention, drug-free supports, community development, and safety.

Referral Process: To make a referral please contact the service by phone, alternatively, send an email with your name, contact details, a brief introduction and a call request and a member of the team will be in touch.

Location: Oblates Basketball Hall, Tyrconnell Rd, Inchicore, Dublin 8, D08 X65A

Contact Details: 086 806 0421 / 086 384 5542 / admin@ccrass.ie

Website: https://www.ccras.ie



Casadh seeks to provide a safe and supportive environment, which encourages people with substance misuse problems, move towards and maintain, a drug free lifestyle through the provision of training, support services and after care through group settings as part of a CE Scheme.

Referral Process: To make a referral please contact the service by phone, alternatively, send an email with your name, contact details, a brief introduction and a call request and a member of the team will be in touch.

Location: 45 Crumlin Road, Dublin 12, D12 YK28

Contact Details: info@casadh.ie / 01 454 8419

Website: https://www.casadh.ie



CKU Centre for Counselling and Psychotherapy provides professional help and support to people and their families affected by addiction through psychotherapeutic treatment, addiction prevention, and integration with multicultural Irish community in order to prevent social exclusion. Service is offered mainly through Polish and English.

Referral Process: To make a referral, please contact the service directly by phone.

Location: 19 Lord Edward St, Dublin 2, D02 HX29

Contact Details: 087 649 4555 / info@ckudublin.org 

Website: https://www.ckudublin.org 


Community Response

Community Response is a primary Alcohol and Liver Health service that specialises in support and advocacy for those impacted by problem alcohol use. They offer a number of services for individuals which are based upon presenting needs. These include: an exploration of the impact of drinking on physical, mental, and emotional well-being, evaluation of one’s own relationship with alcohol, family and concerned person-related supports around coping with another person’s drinking, and assistance in achieving and maintaining sobriety. Group and one-to-one options are offered, and holistic and mindfulness-based interventions are utilized. Community Response (as the host site for the Hepatitis C Partnership) can also assist individuals and organizations looking to access community-based education for and treatment of Hepatitis C.

Referral Process: Please contact the service directly by phone to make a referral or submit your information on the referral form on the website and a member of the team will be in touch.

Location: 14 Carmans Hall, Carmans Court, Dublin 8, D08 DP80

Contact Details: info@communityresponse.ie / 01 454 9772

Website: https://www.communityresponse.ie

Exchange House National - Travellers Service

Exchange House is a multi-disciplinary frontline service provider offering Education and Training Services, Children and Young People Services, Family Support and Crisis Intervention Services, Addiction Services and the National Traveller Mental Health Service.

Referral Process: To make a referral please contact the service by phone, alternatively, send an email with your name, contact details, a brief introduction and a call request and a member of the team will be in touch.

Location: 61 Great Strand Street, Dublin 1, D01 WC97

Contact Details: 01 872 1094 / info@exchangehouse.ie

Website: https://www.exchangehouse.ie

MQI Women's Support Service

Our women’s service, ‘Jane’s Place’ offers a female-only wellbeing centre in Dolphins Barn, Dublin 8. This service is a safe haven where vulnerable women can feel welcome and heard. It offers a space where complex needs are addressed.

Referral Process: To make a referral please contact the service by phone, alternatively, send an email with your name, contact details, a brief introduction and a call request and a member of the team will be in touch.

Location: 7A Dolphins Barn, Dublin 8

Contact Details: 086 107 8382 / 086 107 8384 / janesplace@mqi.ie

Website: https://www.mqi.ie